Quotes from the last week of the semester: in a them, me format,
Them “She sat on the floor”
Me: “WHAT! And I missed it” ::stops foot::
Them: “yep”
Me: “dam it”
Them: “Next time, I am going to put Harper in my bag”*
Me: “he’s noisy”
Them: “Its ok”
Me: “What will your roommate think”
Them: “Its going to be a surprise”
Me: “What will she say about the litter box in the kitchen”
Them “ ‘Its for guests’”
Them: “I had waffles with Ice Crème on top for lunch”
Me: “That sounds great, I had a cookie”
Them: "Thats it"
Me: "Yep"
Favorite moments from the semester:
The Knighting
The toilet Bowl Theory
Reading week picnic
Advent worship
The toilet Bowl Theory? I feel you need to expand upon that one! ;)