Your itenerent camper:

Never planting in once place for to long. I see myself as the architect of projects sometimes the builder, or the vision holder. But yet holding myself ready to be surprised, frequently.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Reflecting on the end of the 1st semester

 Quotes from the last week of the semester: in a them, me format,

Them “She sat on the floor”
Me: “WHAT! And I missed it” ::stops foot::
Them: “yep”
Me: “dam it”

Them: “Next time, I am going to put Harper in my bag”*
Me: “he’s noisy”
Them: “Its ok”
Me: “What will your roommate think”
Them: “Its going to be a surprise”
Me: “What will she say about the litter box in the kitchen”
Them “ ‘Its for guests’”

Them: “I had waffles with Ice Crème on top for lunch”
Me: “That sounds great, I had a cookie”
 Them: "Thats it"
Me: "Yep"

Favorite moments from the semester:
The Knighting
The toilet Bowl Theory
Reading week picnic
Advent worship

1 comment:

  1. The toilet Bowl Theory? I feel you need to expand upon that one! ;)
