Your itenerent camper:

Never planting in once place for to long. I see myself as the architect of projects sometimes the builder, or the vision holder. But yet holding myself ready to be surprised, frequently.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Don't Sell Yourself Short!

            So about a month ago I started a Mary Kay business. I started to have fun, talk about great products, make some extra money, and just to get out of my own head.  Each week we get points for what we do, 50 points for meeting attendance, 50 points for other things and so on and so forth. Last week it turns out I shorted myself almost 800 points! I was under the impression that a sale was 1 point as in you sold stuff you got one point. But no no no, it is 1 point for each dolor. I sold 800.00 worth of product so I got 800 points plus 300 more! This made me the queen of sales for the week, and that was awesome I wont like. But it was not the take away for me.
            I have been chewing on this idea of selling yourself short a lot. I know that I do it all the time, saying ‘oh I’m not good enough for that job/class/internship/church/ect’ or ‘oh they are to perfect to be friends with me’ or ‘I’m so stupid, all I’ll ever be is stupid’. Now I know this is not true at all, but when you get into a cycle like this it’s hard to get out of it and thus you continue to sell yourself short.
            This led me to Jeremiah 1:4-1:10, or titled the call of Jeremiah. I keep telling myself especially in the last year that God does not call the accomplished, or the best or the heroes, or the people that know what’s going on. God calls the right people for the right call, and then equips them for the right ministry’s, and develops and encourages growth of gifts innate within the person.
            So many of our Biblical hero’s where zeros. They told God, so not me I am not worthy go pick someone else (and then point to someone else). But like God said to Moses, you are worthy in my sight and I appoint Aaron to help you. God 1, Moses 0. So who are we as the Beloved Children of God to sell ourselves short?  God will take care of you, me, and us as well as those we have yet to meet.*

*This line inspired by the hymn God Will Take Care of You

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